Hi everyone! Welcome to the Peer Mentors page. 🎉

If you are at this page, you may be struggling with the question of who to book for a mentoring session. The answer to that question depends on what you need some support with. If you need help with an essay, you should look into those mentors with writing listed as a skills area. If you are looking for support with subject matter like Computer Science or Math you should look into those mentors with those areas listed under subject.

Honestly though, most student questions aren’t that simple. Each question is unique, that’s why it is ok for you to reach out to the mentor, let them know what your question is and get their advice on who to book. Sometimes students get confused about which mentor they should book and so they end up booking no one. This is the wrong approach. Don’t be afraid to reach out, we will help you find the right mentor for your needs!

<aside> 💁 Book a session with us!


<aside> 📪 Learning Support on OneStop

We are a community where all students, from their first semester all the way to their capstone project, feel comfortable, safe, and supported as they seek out the resources they need to actualize their own learning goals.

We are a community where all students, from their first semester all the way to their capstone project, feel comfortable, safe, and supported as they seek out the resources they need to actualize their own learning goals.

<aside> ❓ Ask any question by filling in the box below, we will answer you as soon as possible 💨



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